Your wrote your tutorial. You tweeted your tutorial on Twitter. You posted your tutorial to your FaceBook Fan Page. You posted your tutorial to your FaceBook Profile. Then you wait… and wait.. and wait some more. You ask yourself “Where are all the visitors? Did I reach as many people as I could?”
Words From a Purple Mind
Input on the important topics …to me of course
The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media for Business
Almost everyone is using Social Media one way or another. Social media is transforming the way we communicate with each other. This post is not about telling you that what you are doing is right or wrong. This post is just a helpful way of pointing out the Do’s and Don’ts, courtesy of The Steel Method.
20+ Sites To Help You Find Your Next QA Job
Are you looking for a new position or a new contract? Below is a list of some great sites for you to check out to find your next quality assurance job/contract.
I also created the Twitter List “@jayphilips/employment” so you can get updates from all of the people listed on this post that have a Twitter account with one just click.
100 Ways to Expand Your Social Network
OverDrive has put together a great social media guide on ways to make:
- friends
- followers
- likes
- fans
- subscribers
- connections
If you are looking for ways to expand your network for free, low/medium costs take a look at this guide: 100-Ways-to-Make-Friends
200+ Software Testing Blogs and Tweeters
This is a extension of the blog post “10+ Software Testing Blogs“. This blog post has 200+ software testing blogs and tweeters.
I also created the Twitter List “@jayphilips/software-testing” so you can follow all of the people listed on this post with one just click.
- Abby Fichtner
Mashable’s 2009 Open Web Awards
Mashable’s 2009 Open Web Awards is still open for nominations. Nominations started on October 14, 2009 and last until November 15, 2009. Voting is from November 18th – December 13th, 2009. Winner Announcements will be on Tuesday, December 15th, 2009.
You can nominate people/companies for various different categories ranging from:
10+ Software Testing Blogs
I have been in the software testing field for over 9 years. I have played various roles ranging anywhere from manual tester, performance tester, business analyst to web developer.
50+ Sites to Help You Search for Tweets, Trends and More
There is so much going on with Twitter. Links, trends, topics and more but how do you keep up? Here is a list of sites that can be used for searching Twitter friends, tweets and much more.
NOTE: This also includes the sites I previously listed in the blog “28 sites to help you search Twitter and more”
70+ Twitter Backgrounds and Pattern Resources
Most of you either using Twitter, know someone who is on Twitter or just want to be known as a Tweeter. On Twitter you can use a the standard background, a standard premade Twitter background or you can make your own.
Why not stand out from the crowd and create your own Twitter background?
Twitter Badges, Buttons, Counters and Widgets
Here is a list of Twitter badges, buttons, counters & widgets:
- Chris’ Twitter Badge – a simple javascript badge that matches’s color scheme.
- Jon Aquino’s Twitter Badge – a modification of the official Javascript web badge that shows multiple recent tweets and fixes a date parsing issue in IE.