Almost everyone is using Social Media one way or another. Social media is transforming the way we communicate with each other. This post is not about telling you that what you are doing is right or wrong. This post is just a helpful way of pointing out the Do’s and Don’ts, courtesy of The Steel Method.
Words From a Purple Mind
Input on the important topics …to me of course
100 Ways to Expand Your Social Network
OverDrive has put together a great social media guide on ways to make:
- friends
- followers
- likes
- fans
- subscribers
- connections
If you are looking for ways to expand your network for free, low/medium costs take a look at this guide: 100-Ways-to-Make-Friends
Search for what you need using Social Media
We are all searching for something almost 90% of the time. Either we are searching for our next job, an old friend, new gossip, etc. Even though we are all searching for different things we can all use the same tools to find what we need/want.
Interactive Social Media Map
Overdrive Interactive has put together a great social media map. This map lists out the sites best used for different areas of social media. As we all know social media is huge so the more you can get the word out about who you are and what you represent the better.