It is very important to make sure that your application functions as expected. There may be times that you add one little piece of code and all of a sudden other parts of the application no longer works. You may not have time/capacity to manually go back and regression test all the pieces of your application to make sure they are up to par. Companies use a variety of different testing tools for regression testing. There are lots of tools out there from very expensive to open source.
Words From a Purple Mind
Input on the important topics …to me of course
Automation Testing
Why I Think You Should Join AST
I attended the Conference of the Association of Software Testing (CAST) this week, which is hosted by the Association for Software Testers (AST). I was very impressed by not only the topics but also the great people. It was nice being able to sit down and discuss topics that we all face out in the field (lack of requirements, process, communication, etc). There were tutorials on different topics like metrics and agile development.
50+ Open Source Tracking Database Tools
No matter how good you think your code is there is always going to be a bug/defect of some kind. Defect numbers may range from 1 to thousands so it’s important to have a very good tracking tool. There are commercial tools out there but I figured I’d focus on the open source tools.
10+ Open Source Link Checking Tools
It is very important to make sure that there are no broken links on your site. A link may be active when your first added it but as the days, months, years go by the link may end up being broken.
Below are some open source tools that can help you find those broken links.
10+ Software Testing Blogs
I have been in the software testing field for over 9 years. I have played various roles ranging anywhere from manual tester, performance tester, business analyst to web developer.
Estimating Tester to Developer Ratios (or Not)
In every company/project the question always comes up on what the ratio should be. As we all know the ratio almost never comes out right but if you want info on how to estimate the ratio check this white paper out.
uTest Member
I am a member of the uTest Community but the only problem I have so far with their projects is that they always want you to download some software you’ve never heard of.
I think I’m going to buy just a standard laptop for my uTest testing so I don’t hurt my other applications.
Found an interesting website today
I found a website called LearningDom today. They offer some free courses in testing, BA, & design. Even though I’ve been in the QA world for years I still believe that people should take training when ever possible. It’s good to know what’s out there and what other people are learning.