In every company/project the question always comes up on what the ratio should be. As we all know the ratio almost never comes out right but if you want info on how to estimate the ratio check this white paper out.
Words From a Purple Mind
Input on the important topics …to me of course
Quality Assurance
uTest Member
I am a member of the uTest Community but the only problem I have so far with their projects is that they always want you to download some software you’ve never heard of.
I think I’m going to buy just a standard laptop for my uTest testing so I don’t hurt my other applications.
Found an interesting website today
I found a website called LearningDom today. They offer some free courses in testing, BA, & design. Even though I’ve been in the QA world for years I still believe that people should take training when ever possible. It’s good to know what’s out there and what other people are learning.