There is so much going on with Twitter. Links, trends, topics and more but how do you keep up? Here is a list of sites that can be used for searching Twitter friends, tweets and much more.
NOTE: This also includes the sites I previously listed in the blog “28 sites to help you search Twitter and more”
- Atlas – see tweets on a map.
- AskTwitR – shows a map of recent tweets above the results.
- BackTweets – type in a URL and see the results, which are simply tweets that mention said URL.
- BlastCasta – searches Google & Twitter.
- BoilingPage – lists all the hottest pages that people are tweeting about.

Boiling Page
- ChirpCity – local Twitter search, latest tweets from and about your city… and a top user list for the cities listed on the site.
- CityTweets – real time Twitter activity for cities.
- – keyword cloud based on search terms
- Flaptor Twitter Search – a simple Twitter search engine. You can get an RSS feed out of your search query as well.
- FreeSearch – enables you to search across social media, social networks and the web to find the people you want to find from inside Twitter.
- FriendFeed – this is an awesome one because you can get feeds from Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon and much more.
- GeoFollow – using the directory, you’ll be able to find users in specific areas.
- Hashtags – allows you to search by hashtag, great for conferences & webinars
- hoopla – Twitter plugin for a Firefox quicksearch service making it easier to use Twitter
- IceRocket – lets you search Twitter, MySpace, Blogs & the web all in one place.
- Intwition analyzes internet chatter to detect breaking news stories and topics.
- itpints – lets your search for keywords and gives the ability to share the results.
- JustSignal – allows you to only get the information you’re looking for, and none of the noise
- LocalTweeps – find Twitter users near you.
- MicroBlogBuzz – shows the most popular links on Twitter and similar services
- monitter – lets you “monitter” the twitter world for a set of keywords and watch what people are saying.

- Musebin – search for tweets that match your musical interests.
- Nearby Tweets – just as the name says, it searches for fellow tweeters near you.
- OneRiot – crawls the links people share on Twitter, Digg and other social sharing services, then indexes the content on those pages in seconds.
- Power Twitter – goal is to make Twitter better.
- ReTweetist – shows the most popular retweets
- Retweetradar – shows the latest trends in a tag cloud
- Scoopler – indexes live updates from services including Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Delicious and more.
- Search Cloudlet – a FireFox extension that displays a useful cloudlet containing keywords of interest.
- Stream Graphs – shows the latest 1,000 tweets that contain a specified search term.
- Top News Trends – combines Twitter search with Google search trends data to find most recent news stories.
- Topsy – finds snippets of conversations that match what you’re looking for.
- Terraminds – search for specific users or tweets.
- twAnswers – if you’re seeking out information, you can ask a question and have it answered by Twitter through twAnswers.

- twazzup – search engine where you can search anything on Twitter.
- tweefind – Twitter search by user rank
- TweepSearch – allows you to search tweeters bios.
- Tweetag – allows you to search for tweets.
- TweetBeep – keep track of conversations that mention you, your products or your company with hourly updates.
- TweetChannel – allows you to create channels for your tweets.
- TweetCloud – shows users “what’s being said” across the Twittersphere or from a specific Twitter user in a cloud.
- TweetDeck – this is my favorite since I can search all the people I follow for keywords, urls & more in their tweets.
- TweetGrid – search for up to 9 different topics, events, converstations, hashtags, phrases, people, groups, etc in real-time
- TweetMeme – aggregates all the popular links on twitter to determine which links are popular.
- TweetVolume – find out how often keywords are used on Twitter
- Tweet Scan – is a search engine for Twitter indexing all the public messages on Twitter.
- tweetzi – real-time twitter search and trends
- Twellow – allows you to search by user, occupation, company – This one is great and you should get listed on it as well. I am.
- Twemes – shows top topics in a steam just like hastags.
- twendz – highlights conversation themes and sentiment of the tweets you are interested in.

- Twiogle – Search Twitter & Goole at the same time
- Twitalyzer Search – enter a search term into the box and it will show the last 25 Twitter searches.
- twithority– finds tweet for you and displays them in an authority ranking system.
- twibs – Twitter business directory. Is your company listed? Mine is.
- twidentify – search all of Twitter, but sort the results by the people who get retweeted the most.
- Twingly – blog search engine featuring a spam-free, faceted, social search for the global blogosphere.
- TwiSpot – a topic-based social exploration tool based on Twitter.
- TwiST – has searching capabilities and url shortner capabilities.
- TwitArcs – takes the latest 100 tweets for a twitter ID or term of interest and creates a list representation that has arcs connecting messages sent to the same users or that use the same primary term.
- TwitDir – allows user to search for users by name, location, or username. (NOTE Message on their site still shows offline so hopefully they will be back soon)
- twithelp – find the answers to your questions by posting on Twitter.
- Twilert – emails you every time someone tweets with your keywords.
- Twitlinks – see links from the most popular tech Twitter users through this tool
- twitpipe – find tweets matching your keywords and also offers you the option to receive only those results that are tweeted from a place close to you.

- – lets you search and tweet your findings.
- TwitSeek – searches for URLs twittered along with the keyword.
- TwitScoop – real time search, with a tag cloud.
- Twits Like Me – tool helps you find people on Twitter who share your interests.
- Twitstat Mobile is a twitter client like but with cool features like an ego search (new!) and smart highlighting.
- – Facts & Figures Of Your Twitter Life
- twitterment – a search engine for Twitter powered by Google search.
- Twitterfall – view latest ‘tweets’ of upcoming trends and custom searches (the tweets fall from the top of the screen)
- TwitterLocal – you can find tweets in a designated location via an Air client.
- Twitter Packs – offers an organized listing of Twitter users in a variety of different categories.
- Twitter Power Search – real-time twitter search updates. Trending topics available for: Current, Daily and Weekly
- TwitterSpectrum – visualizes Twitter conversation which is based around specific keyterms.
- TwitterTroll – a search engine for Twitter that allows you to find new friends.
- Twitterverse – search archived public timelines and tweets.
- twittervision – check where in the world people are submitting tweets from on a map.
- TwitterWho – using this, you can search for multiple queries on Twitter at once.
- Twitt(url)y – sort URLs by how frequently they are mentioned in Tweets.
- Twopopular – provides links to trends right now, last 2 hours, 8 hours, day, week or month.

- TwoQuick is a simple application that combines Twitter and Google search
- Twubble – helps find people who share your interests on Twitter. It brings our profiles who your current friends are already following.
- WebMynd – FireFox & IE addon available to allow you to customize your search results from various.
- We Follow – find fellow tweeters based on interests.
- Who Should i Follow – helps you to find interesting people to follow by looking at your network.
- WhosTalkin – allows users to search for conversations surrounding the topics that they care about most.
- XLHit – translated real-time search for Twitter and FriendFeed.
- Yauba – nice secure search engine.
- zeitbase – search Twitter and tweets by word.
Please comment below on any other search sites that should be added to the list. Check back often as this list grows.
Read other blogs related to Twitter for even more info.