This is a extension of the blog post “10+ Software Testing Blogs“. This blog post has 200+ software testing blogs and tweeters.
I also created the Twitter List “@jayphilips/software-testing” so you can follow all of the people listed on this post with one just click.
- Abby Fichtner
- Visit Blog
- Follow HackerChick on Twitter
- Able Weis
- Follow ableweis on Twitter
- Adam Goucher
- Visit Blog
- Follow adamgoucher on Twitter
- Advanced Brain
- Follow AdvancedBrain on Twitter
- Advanced QTP
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- Follow AdvancedQTP on Twitter
- Agilebuddy
- Visit Blog
- Follow Agilebuddy on Twitter
- AgilePoint
- Follow AgilePoint on Twitter
- Aimee Lack
- Follow Test_Monkey on Twitter
- Ajay Balamurugadas
- Visit Blog
- Follow ajay184f on Twitter
- Alan A. Jorgensen
- Follow SoftTest123 on Twitter
- Alan Page
- Visit Blog
- Follow AlanPage on Twitter
- Alan Richardson
- Albert Gareev
- Visit Blog
- Follow AGareev on Twitter
- Allmas Mullah
- Visit Blog
- Follow Allmas on Twitter
- Amit Kulkarni
- Visit Blog
- Follow mumbaitesting on Twitter
- Andrei Contan
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- Follow qaheaven on Twitter
- Andy Glover
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- Follow cartoontester on Twitter
- Andy Tinkham
- Follow Andy Tinkham on Twitter
- Anko Tijman
- Follow agiletesterNL on Twitter
- Anna Baik
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- Follow TesterAB on Twitter
- Anne-Marie Charrett
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- Follow Charrett on Twitter
- Antony Marcano
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- Follow AntonyMarcano on Twitter
- Antti Huima
- Follow antti_huima on Twitter
- Arjan Kranenburg
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- Follow ArjanKranenburg on Twitter
- ArtOfTest Inc.
- Follow artoftest on Twitter
- Ascert Testing
- Follow Ascert on Twitter
- Ashish Kumar Jha
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- Follow ashish5social on Twitter
- Visit Site
- Follow AST_News on Twitter
- At Test
- Follow at_test on Twitter
- Athena Windansea Anderson
- Visit Blog
- Follow ExpertMode on Twitter
- Automated Testing
- Follow Automated_Tests on Twitter
- automatedtest
- Follow automatedtest on Twitter
- Ayal Zylberman
- Follow AyalZ on Twitter
- Ben Simo
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- Follow QualityFrog on Twitter
- BJ Rollison
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- Follow TestingMentor on Twitter
- Brad Johnson
- Follow bradjohnsonsv on Twitter
- Bret Pettichord
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- Follow BPettichord on Twitter
- Brian Olivier
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- Follow Infratester on Twitter
- Bruce McLeod
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- Follow teknologika on Twitter
- bugspy
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- Follow bugspy on Twitter
- Catalin Anastasoaie
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- Follow acatalin on Twitter
- Catherine Powell
- Cem Kaner
- Charity Stoner
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- Follow testingcharity on Twitter
- Chris McMahon
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- Follow chris_mcmahon on Twitter
- Cloud Test
- Follow CloudTest on Twitter
- Cloud Testing
- Follow CloudTesting on Twitter
- Coding QA
- Visit Site
- Follow CodingQA on Twitter
- Corey Goldberg
- Visit Blog
- Follow CGoldberg on Twitter
- Curtis Stuehrenberg
- Visit Blog
- Follow cowboytesting on Twitter
- Daily Testing Tip
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- Follow DailyTestingTip on Twitter
- Dan Bartow
- Follow PerfDan on Twitter
- Daniel Wagner
- Follow dpwagner on Twitter
- Dave Liebreich
- Follow ATestGuy on Twitter
- David Alfaro
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- Follow AgileNature on Twitter
- David Burns
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- Follow AutomatedTester on Twitter
- David Evans
- Follow DavidEvans66 on Twitter
- David Vydra
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- Follow vydra on Twitter
- Debasis Pradhan
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- Follow DebasisPradhan on Twitter
- Dhanasekar S
- Visit Blog
- Follow sdhanasekar on Twitter
- Elementool Inc.
- Follow Elementool on Twitter
- Elisabeth Hendrickson
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- Follow TestObsessed on Twitter
- Eric Jacobson
- Erik Petersen
- Follow erik_petersen on Twitter
- Esther Derby
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- Follow EstherDerby on Twitter
- Ewald Roodenrijs
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- Follow ewaldroodenrijs on Twitter
- Felipe Knorr Kuhn
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- Follow knorrium on Twitter
- Frank Cohen
- Follow FCohen on Twitter
- Fred Beringer
- Visit Blog
- Follow FredBeringer on Twitter
- Furious Styles
- Follow DiaryOfaTestMgr on Twitter
- Gerald Weinberg
- Follow JerryWeinberg on Twitter
- Glenn Halstead
- Follow GlennHalstead on Twitter
- Go Test It
- Visit Blog
- Follow GoTestIt on Twitter
- Gojko Adzic
- Visit Blog
- Follow GojkoAdzic on Twitter
- Google Testing Blog
- Follow googletesting on Twitter
- Graeme Ferguson
- Follow wwwfergy on Twitter
- Gustavo Terrera
- Visit Blog (in Spanish)
- Follow testingok on Twitter
- Guy Mason
- Follow testingqa on Twitter
- Harry Bowen, Jr.
- Follow augsburg81 on Twitter
- Hemal Kuntawala
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- Follow hemalkuntawala on Twitter
- Henrik Andersson
- Follow HenkeAndersson on Twitter
- Jake Brake
- James Bach
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- Follow JamesMarcusBach on Twitter
- James Christie
- Follow James_Christie on Twitter
- James O’Malley
- Follow shamusom on Twitter
- James Weise
- Follow JWQualityEval on Twitter
- James Whittaker
- Jason Barile
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- Follow JasonBarile on Twitter
- Jason Kay
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- Follow managedtesting on Twitter
- Jay Philips
- You are currently here 🙂
- Follow JayPhilips on Twitter
- Jeff Brewster
- Follow brewstertester on Twitter
- Jeff Fry
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- Follow JFry on Twitter
- Jeff Sutherland
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- Follow JeffSutherland on Twitter
- Jeroen Rosink
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- Follow JeroenRo on Twitter
- Jodie Parker
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- Follow agiletesteruk on Twitter
- Joe Harter
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- Follow joeharterqa on Twitter
- Joel Montvelisky
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- Follow JoelMonte on Twitter
- Joel Spolsky
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- Follow Spolsky on Twitter
- Johan Jonasson
- Follow JohanJonasson on Twitter
- Dr. John A. Estrella
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- Follow JohnEstrella on Twitter
- John F
- Visit Blog
- Follow lifeinqa on Twitter
- John Stevenson
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- Follow steveo1967 on Twitter
- Jon Bach
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- Follow jbtestpilot on Twitter
- Jonathan Kohl
- Jonathan Ross
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- Follow jonathanross on Twitter
- Joseph Ours
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- Follow JustJoeHere on Twitter
- Justin Dessonville
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- Follow iamdez on Twitter
- Justin Forte
- Follow Justinforte on Twitter
- Justin Hunter
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- Follow Hexawise on Twitter
- Justin Rohrman
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- Follow JRohrman on Twitter
- Karen Johnson
- Karen Tobo
- Follow KarenTobo on Twitter
- Kelly Waters
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- Follow kelly_waters on Twitter
- Kevin Byrne
- Follow Kevbyrne on Twitter
- Kiran Adapathya
- Follow Kiran_Adapathya on Twitter
- Kuay Test-Monkey
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- Follow kuaytestmonkey on Twitter
- Lanette Creamer
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- Follow lanettecream on Twitter
- Linda Wilkinson
- Lisa Crispin
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- Follow lisacrispin on Twitter
- Lisa Hardy
- Follow lisahardyutest on Twitter
- London Tester
- Follow LondonTester on Twitter
- Margo Visitacion
- Follow msmvnj on Twitter
- Maria C. Estrella
- Follow MariaEstrella on Twitter
- Mark Crowther
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- Follow MarkCTest on Twitter
- Mark Gibbins
- Follow TesterGibbins on Twitter
- Mark Tomlinson
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- Follow MTomlins on Twitter
- Mark Vasko
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- Follow MarkVasko on Twitter
- Markus Gärtner
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- Follow mgaertne on Twitter
- Marlena Compton
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- Follow marlenac on Twitter
- Marta G. Ferrero
- Follow MartaGF on Twitter
- Martin Croft
- Follow perftesting on Twitter
- Martin L. Shoemaker
- Follow UMLGuy on Twitter
- Mat Johnston
- Follow MatJohnston on Twitter
- Matthew Heusser
- Visit Blog
- Visit Blog on ST&P
- Follow MHeusser on Twitter
- Meeta Prakash
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- Follow meetaprakash on Twitter
- Melissa Copley
- Follow MelissaCopley on Twitter
- Michael Bolton
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- Follow MichaelBolton on Twitter
- Michael Larsen
- Visit Blog
- Follow mkltesthead on Twitter
- Michael Milutis
- Follow itmpi on Twitter
- Mike Cottmeyer
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- Follow MCottmeyer on Twitter
- Mike Kelly
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- Follow Michael_D_Kelly on Twitter
- Mohammad Farooq
- Follow agiletestware on Twitter
- Mohit Verma
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- Follow thetestengineer on Twitter
- Nana Yaa Mensah
- Follow QAtweeter on Twitter
- Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries- van Delft
- Visit Blog
- Follow FunTESTic on Twitter
- nFocus Ltd
- Follow nFocus_Ltd on Twitter
- Ocd Tester
- Follow OcdTester on Twitter
- Panamo QA
- Parimala Shankaraiah
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- Follow CuriousTester on Twitter
- Patrick Copeland
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- Follow copelandpatrick on Twitter
- Patrick Lightbody
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- Follow plightbo on Twitter
- Paul Carvalho
- Follow can_test on Twitter
- Pay4Bugs
- Follow pay4bugs on Twitter
- Mr. Penguin
- Follow 0pensource on Twitter
- Peter Shih
- Follow peter_shih on Twitter
- Phil Kirkham
- Visit Blog
- Follow PKirkham on Twitter
- Pradeep Soundararajan
- Visit Blog
- Follow TesterTested on Twitter
- Preston Redlon
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- Follow PrestonKRedlon on Twitter
- QA Hates You
- Visit Blog
- Follow QAHatesYou on Twitter
- QA Tips
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- Follow QATips on Twitter
- QA Witch
- Follow QAWitch on Twitter
- QA World
- Visit Blog
- Follow QAWorld on Twitter
- QTP Tester
- Visit Blog
- Follow AutomationLab09 on Twitter
- Quality News
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- Follow Quality_News on Twitter
- Quality Testing
- Follow qualitytesting on Twitter
- QualityPoint
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- Follow QualityPoint on Twitter
- Randy Rice
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- Follow rricetester on Twitter
- Visit Blog
- Follow RBCS on Twitter
- Reinder Otter
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- Follow reinderotter on Twitter
- Replay Solutions
- Follow ReplaySolutions on Twitter
- Rich Hand
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- Follow MembershipGuy on Twitter
- Richard Rostad
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- Follow RichardRostad on Twitter
- Rob Lambert
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- Follow Rob_Lambert on Twitter
- Rob van Steenbergen
- Follow rvansteenbergen on Twitter
- Rosie Sherry
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- Follow RosieSherry on Twitter
- Roy Solomon
- Follow RoySolomon on Twitter
- RubyTester
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- Follow RubyTester on Twitter
- S Bharath
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- Follow sbharath1012 on Twitter
- Sander Gabriëls
- Follow D3_Bug on Twitter
- Santosh Shukla
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- Follow proudtester on Twitter
- Sauce Labs
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- Follow saucelabs on Twitter
- SCMagazine
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- Scott Barber
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- Follow SBarber on Twitter
- Scott Price
- Follow ScottPrice_Geek on Twitter
- SD Times
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- Follow sdtimes on Twitter
- Sean Stewart
- Follow yourzephyr on Twitter
- Selena Delesie
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- Follow SDelesie on Twitter
- Shrini Kulkarni
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- Follow shrinik on Twitter
- Simon Godfrey
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- Follow SGodfrey on Twitter
- Simon Morley
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- Follow YorkyAbroad on Twitter
- Software Testing Stuff
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- Follow SoftwareTestingStuff on Twitter
- Software TestTT
- Follow SoftwareTestTT on Twitter
- SoloTester
- Follow SoloTester on Twitter
- Sopra UK TSG
- Follow SopraTSG on Twitter
- SQAMatt
- Follow SQAMatt on Twitter
- Stanton Champion
- Follow spchampion on Twitter
- Visit Site
- Follow STAREAST on Twitter
- Visit Site
- Follow STARWEST on Twitter
- Stephan Schmidt
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- Follow codemonkeyism on Twitter
- Stephen A Readman
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- Follow sarcx on Twitter
- Steve Feloney
- Sticky Minds
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- Follow StickyMinds on Twitter
- STP Collaborative
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- Follow STPCollab on Twitter
- Suhaim Abdussamad
- Follow moorecats on Twitter
- Suman Sachdeva
- Follow sachdevasuman on Twitter
- Sumit Kalra
- Follow skalra on Twitter
- Susann Ulrich
- Follow ulrichfla on Twitter
- Susanne Abdelrahman
- Follow TesterGrl on Twitter
- Terry Morrish
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- Follow thatqaguy on Twitter
- TEST Magazine
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- Follow TestmMgazine on Twitter
- Test Plant
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- Follow TestPlant LTD on Twitter
- Test Republic
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- Follow TestRepublic on Twitter
- Testing Wiz
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- Testing Club
- Follow TestingClub on Twitter
- Testing Concepts
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- Follow TestingConcepts on Twitter
- Testing Geek
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- Follow TestingGeek on Twitter
- Testing News
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- Follow TestingNews on Twitter
- Testing Web Sites
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- Follow TestingWebSites on Twitter
- Testing Web Sites
- Visit Blog
- Follow TestingMantra on Twitter
- TestComplete
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- Follow TestComplete on Twitter
- Testcover
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- Follow Testcover on Twitter
- TestingMantra
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- Follow testingmantra on Twitter
- Testomatix
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- Follow Testomatix on Twitter
- TestQs
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- Follow TestQs on Twitter
- Testuff
- Follow Testuff on Twitter
- The Testing Blog
- Visit Blog
- Follow thetestingblog on Twitter
- The SQA Group
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- Follow sqagroup on Twitter
- Tim Koopmans
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- Follow 90kts on Twitter
- Tim Coulter
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- Follow TimothyJCoulter on Twitter
- Tobias Mayer
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- Follow tobiasgmayer on Twitter
- Tomi Juhola
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- Follow TomiJuhola on Twitter
- Tom Lounibos
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- Follow Lounibos on Twitter
- Tony Bruce
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- Follow tonybruce77 on Twitter
- Trish Khoo
- Troy Hoffman
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- Follow artofsqa on Twitter
- TweetMeme Technology
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- Follow TM_Technology on Twitter
- uTest
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- Follow uTest on Twitter
- Venkat Reddy
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- Follow VenkatReddyC on Twitter
- Vipul Gupta
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- Follow vipsgupta on Twitter
- Ward Cunningham
- Follow WardCunningham on Twitter
- WebUITestStudio
- Follow WebUITestStudio on Twitter
- WeekendTesters
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- Follow WeekendTesting on Twitter
- Yvette Francino
- Visit Blog
- Follow YvetteF on Twitter
- Zeger Van Hese
- Visit Blog
- Follow TestSideStory on Twitter
Do you know of any other software testers/testing sites that should be added to the list?
Last Updated: 6/14/2010
Your first AWS Elastic Beanstalk Node.js application is now running on your own dedicated environment in the AWS Cloud
This environment is launched with Elastic Beanstalk Node.js Platform
What’s Next?
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk overview
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk concepts
- Deploy an Express Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploy an Express Application with Amazon ElastiCache to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploy a Geddy Application with Amazon ElastiCache to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Customizing and Configuring a Node.js Container
- Working with Logs